Forgive me whilst I speak of myself for a moment.
Lately I've felt as though I'm spinning my proverbial wheels. I'm loaded down with "to-dos" and though I do a fairly good job of appearing to be calm and keeping my head above water, under the surface, my legs are kicking as fast as they possibly can! Most days end with me feeling like I've accomplished almost nothing - even though I've been busy.
Today, I seemed to be more productive than I have recently been. Not sure why. I'm pretty happy about it and thought I should make a list of what I did, so I can celebrate my success. So, I'll do it here.
1. Got Lucy to and from Seminary on time (this is not unusual, but I did it - therefore, it makes the list.
2. Got Molly and Will to school with their jerseys for Spirit Day - after a quick trip to Wal-mart on the way home from Seminary to get Will a jersey. The only one they had in his size was an OU jersey.
3. Unloaded the car from yesterday's very successful trip to Market Hall for artwork and accessories. Now mind you, this was quite difficult since the little hydraulic lifts are broken on the big door of the Suburban and the huge-o mongo mirror I got (for $119) was freaking back breakingly heavy and Lucy is not known for her super-human strength!
4. Took Lucy to school, even though there's a bus. Just because that's the kind of mom I am - right Lucy??
5. Straightened the house, made my bed, etc.
6. Tied more ribbons on cards - almost done.
7. Brought in three Christmas trees and set up one. I would have set up two, but the second one is missing a whole section! I'm hoping that shows up soon. Don't freak out - I didn't decorate them.
8. Met with the fence guy. He's going to move a big section of our fence so we can open up the big side yard to the rest of the yard. We figured out how to do it without needing to buy more fence - woohoo!
9. Brought in all the ornament boxes and positioned them in the appropriate rooms.
10. Unpacked 20 - yes 20 boxes in the garage, two in the gameroom and one in the office and broke down the boxes. My purpose in this was to locate the big green extension cords for the guy who is putting the Christmas lights up for us. I found some, but not all. But I think he has enough now.
11. Ran to Lowe's to buy stakes to put lights along the driveway and sidewalk and Sam's to buy a ginormous wreath for our gate.
12. Hung some of the artwork I purchased yesterday.
13. Visited with a friend who is feeling blue.
13. Watched my friend's cute little grand-daughter, Claire for about 40 minutes and made ridiculous noises to make her laugh - so she wouldn't cry.
14. Put away MOST of the stuff I unpacked in the garage.
13. Made a yummy dinner of pot roast and baked potatoes for six children (we had a few extra tonight).
14. Ran the kiddos to a friend's house who is taking them to the church for their activities.
It's 8:00 and even though I feel like I got alot done, here's what I'm faced with....
A huge mess in the garage, unfinished laundry, dishes to be washed, newly unpacked kitchen items that now need a home, a pile of boxes and two huge bags of newsprint to dispose of, Christmas decor EVERYWHERE and messes here and there that appeared because Mom was busy doing other stuff!!
Maybe I like the days where I'm not quite so productive better....
What did you do today??