Friday, November 14, 2008

More thankfulness...

A couple mornings ago, I made my early morning pilgrimage upstairs to wake Lucy for Seminary.  I'm not paying attention to much at 5:25 in the morning, but I could smell something burning.  I figured the heaters had flipped on for the first time and were burning off the dust.  To make a long story short, it wasn't the heaters.  Upon investigation I found this in Will's room:It was on the floor near his bed and had fallen on top of his night light.  Bummer.  Thank heaven and probably some bureaucrat in Washington for passing a law requiring flame retardant material in sleeping materials.  I'm thankful.


Claudia said...

How scary! Glad everything is okay.

Anonymous said...

Hey Karen - I found your blog off of Andrea's.

Scary about the pillow!

Did Will tell you that his Webelos badge blew away last night and we couldn't find it? It was so windy and cold! We will get him a new one.
We love having Will in our Webelos. He's quite the comedian.


shahna said...

Our little gaurdian angel over here in Prosper was sure busy that night!