Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Projects, projects and AOADD

Molly is sick.  She's got a fever and a yucky cough and has stayed home from school for two days now.  She's the sweetest little companion and I love having her home.  Since I was housebound, I decided I needed to work hard to get as much accomplished as I can because I have this funny feeling that December is going to fly by and I'm going to miss the whole thing if I don't get it together.  So, I got to work.  And I've accomplished quite a bit.  

Here are some projects I've been working on...

I'm ALMOST done with the Family Room tree.  Just those last two boxes of ornaments to finish.  Of course the Living Room tree is missing a section (how does this happen Mr. Moving Man???) and the Game Room tree has not an ornament on it.  The kids trees?  Well, let's just say they have some decorating to do this weekend!  And I started EARLY!
Christmas card are sent - for the most part.  There are a few stragglers who still need new addresses.  So they are sitting on my desk to finish.  Also on my desk is a stack of party invitations I need to address and stamp TONIGHT!!  I guess that means I need to complete the guest list.
I've been wrapping, wrapping!  I also got all these gifts tagged, boxed and mailed - woohoo.  I still have another box to mail, so don't get too jealous.

I put together this little number for a family - who hopefully doesn't frequent this blog!  It's a family game night basket complete with games and refreshments.  It has one of our families' favorite games, right now, Whoonu, from the makers of Cranium.  It's really great, because everyone can play and it's funny, too!  You should get it.

The big project today was to go from a completely EMPTY closet to one stocked and organized.  Since we have such a lame closet, we had those cool pull down rods installed way up high (which was a week long ordeal with a trim carpenter, a painter and an installer involved) so we can get MOST of our (ok, MY) clothes in the closet. (Jon's fit fine).  Believe you me, I'm using every bit of space I can find in this terrible excuse for a walk-in closet! And overflowing into another closet upstairs!!
Jon gets the bottom and middle racks here in the first section.  I get the rest.  He's so good to me. 
We had this dresser added, too.  It's still empty as are all the shelves, but don't worry, I'll fill them up!
We added these shelves under the stairs (yeah, stairs in the closet, don't ask) so we have more shoe and handbag storage.  Also still needing completion.

With all that's gone on today, I've learned some things about myself.  I suppose I've know these things for a long time, but by recognizing them all in one day it occurred to me that I have problems.  I'd like to attribute it to AOADD (Adult Onset Attention Deficit Disorder).  While leaving the closet on no less than 5 separate occasions today to retrieve something from another room, I've managed to find something completely unrelated to do (make a phone call, clean up some dishes, talk with Molly for a second, etc.) and then have returned to the closet without the intended item!  I also have recognized that I have at least 7 projects going (in addition to the ongoing unpacking) and not one of them is completed.  Doesn't that sound like AOADD to you?  

Another thing I've learned today is that I adore (maybe ADORE is too strong, I REALLY LIKE) workout clothes.  Now granted rarely a day goes by (except Sunday) that I don't work out, so I NEED alot of workout clothes to prevent overuse of the washing machine.  And, in my defense, I have owned some of these clothes for upwards of six years.  Many of them actually have TOO many miles on them and will soon make their way to the trash bin.  But here's the pile I've accumulated today in the effort to find a home for each article of clothing.  I won't show the running shoe collection I have.  (What?  I have to match my shoes to my clothes!!)

Other things I've learned/recognized today ...
  • I like green
  • Closets fill up easily
  • It's fun to colorize your clothes
  • Molly is really good at entertaining herself 
  • I have lots of clothes
  • I'm not a label snob - I think Target clothes are fab-u-lous!
  • I wear clothes for a LONG time.  I have an almost 8 year old suit (that I wear) and that's not the oldest thing in my closet. I just got rid of a suit when we moved that I wore to my brother's wedding, something like 14 years ago!
  • Time flies when you're working hard
  • I really like to be organized (Jon is laughing....I can hear him!)
  • I have a LONG way to go


Claudia said...

Thanks for the look into your day - I love your closet. The last time we moved, our realtor made us organize our clothes by color, and I have never loved my wardrobe more. It was so neat and clean, I felt like the clothes could breathe...then again, maybe that's because half of them were in off-site storage, but I digress. Your Christmas tree is beautiful, as are those fabulously wrapped presents!

shahna said...

We have so much in common. I organized my closet yesterday, putting all my summer-ish things away. I don't like it to feel crowded so I rotate seasons. I can't wait to see your house! It looks beautiful, just the few pics I see of it. I love your wrapping paper too. I have polka-dot paper this year too. I love it!

ashley said...

The tree looks good, even though it's missing a section...that's so weird. And that top rack in your closet gives you so much more space! Way to go! Only 2 more weeks!

Karen said...

It's the LR tree that's missing a section.... so it's not up yet.

Yep, I'm loving the space in the closet, even though my summer pants and formals are in the cedar closet.
I still have much to do!

Kristi Clinger said...

You have been a very busy women! I love the tree! Can you come decorate mine as well? I'll post pics soon. You'll see that it needs a lot of help this year, but unforetnately(sp?) what you'll see is what we'll have for this year.

Kristi Clinger said...

BTW, I might have to invite myself over for some hot chocolate so I can see your house decorated for Christmas. I'll bring the hot chocolate. Tell me what day works for you?

Kristi Clinger said...

Next week sounds great. You can email me at Maybe I can convince Aubrey, Rusty & Elle to venture out with us.