I love this woman. Seriously. She's down to earth, witty, talented, humble, witty, cute, sweet, witty. She writes a mean blog, too. Did I mention she's witty? I love to read her blog. You know how some blogs are "look what I can do" kinda blogs? Their purpose seems to be to draw attention to themselves and have the world think they are something they most likely are, but only on a very good day? Not PW. Her blog is so not that. It's hilarious in a sort-of self-deprecating-kind-of-way. She can make fun of herself, she tells it like it is and doesn't pretend to be something she's not. For example, she will take a photo of her sink FULL of dirty dishes. or the pile of stuff she swept off the floor - lest you assume her home is always in perfect order. She talks about being a little "jiggly" from all her fabulous cooking (which by the way, I've seen her. She's not the least bit jiggly!). She has normal children, a cute cowboy husband she calls Marlboro Man and shares her life, her friends and her family with thousands of strangers from all walks of life, all over the world. AND, she's written and published a cookbook! Impressive, eh?
I bought one.
Then I marched down to Borders in Dallas a couple weeks ago to have PW herself (Ree) sign my little cookbook.
What I didn't plan for was the fact that it wasn't an original thought. I was one of merely 800 people who decided a little chat and an autograph would make my cookbook complete. And since I hadn't even considered that fact, I showed up at 6:45 for a 7:00 signing! Hahahahaha! Let's just say I was near the end of the line (in the 7th group of 100). I seriously considered going home. But, I'd driven for 30 minutes, parked in a dark alley and walked in the rain to get my cookbook signed. I was staying gosh darn it. So I did.
I stood in line. I sat on the floor. I read the book I had in my purse for moments (or hours) like this.
Then, the coolest thing happened. I started talking to the women in line with me. First two, then four, then pretty soon it was nearly a dozen. We talked about PW, we joked and laughed and learned about each other just a bit. After a couple of hours we were all Facebook friends! And then someone - not sure who - came up with a brilliant idea! (OK, it was me -not really) To form the P-Dub Supper Club. How cool is that? Our first meeting is in January and everyone is bringing a PW dish to share. I think it's just the most fun! I can't wait to see all my line ladies again and learn more about them.
Here we are - well almost. The one in the blue in the middle is an impostor. And the lady on the far left, though she was very nice, didn't make the club, either. (Kidding, she just wasn't part of that conversation) And the photographer IS part of the club, but you can't see her - because she's taking the picture.
It's such a fun group! Some are Moms, some aren't yet. There's even a grandma or two in the group! Some work outside the home, some don't. We live all over the metroplex, we have varying hobbies and interests, but one thing is for sure - we all love PW enough to stand in line for HOURS just for a minute of her time and an autograph in our books!
Ree and the Official P-Dub Supper Club!
I know you're dying to be part of our sisterhood. No gate crashers allowed.
At the end of the night, we departed to our various cities and towns with a whole bunch of new friends and lots of excitement about our newly formed P-Dub Supper Club!
(I just like to say that)
Stay tuned for updates.