Recently my sweet Mother wrote on my Facebook wall, "Your mother is waiting for an update on your blog!!!" Okay, so it's been a while... but I've been busy! So, just for you, Mom (since you are my only reader) I'll provide you with an update of the goings on at the Scholl house since last I posted. If (as PW says) it makes your skirt fly up!
Here we go:
Parker has been to visit a couple times. One of my favorite things in the whole world is when Parker comes to visit. The kid makes me smile.
Cutest kid EVER
The new Prosper High School opened in August. It's amazing. Truly. And to think there are just under 1,000 students attending this incredible facility.
This is the "arena" - Check out the Jumbotron!
Football season in Prosper - GO EAGLES!!
Lucy rocks as a "flyer"
The traditional "After Game Breakfasts" are fun. Karen decorated donuts for the Sophomore Breakfast one week.
Pep Rallies every week. The BLACK OUT Pep Rally was super fun!
The Prosper Pirates had a great season, too! Molly is a natural!
Karen's High School friend, Bonnie came for a visit! We even made the evening news!
Bonnie is as cute and sweet as ever!
Homecoming festivities include All The Single Ladies going to the dance together. Pictures beforehand at our house!
I guess short dresses are "the thing" now. My Gunny Sax dress wouldn't cut it today.
Lucy and Sarah - the beauties!
Karen catered the Sci-Tech Discovery Center Opening Sponsor Preview Party!
It was a morning event, and the opening exhibit is Grossology! It made for some fun food!
Eyeball Bagels were a hit!
Fruit kabobs were perfect with the color scheme!
A Rube Goldberg machine was built for the ribbon cutting ceremony!
Lucy participates in Dress Up Days almost weekly!
Twins Day with Sarah!
Decade Day - guess which decade.
Molly gets in on the Dress Up Days, too! Will - not so much.
Cute as a button for the school Sock Hop!
Ashley's college roommate, Kristin, got married and Ashley and her other roommate Bridget hosted a brunch at our house the day before the wedding. They did a wonderful job!
Ashley made darling little quiches! Yum.
As always, we have a lot of fun with the kids - when they're around.
Ashley visited THREE times this fall!!
Drew makes an occasional appearance. Sometimes he even brings Rachel along! He's always good for a laugh.
This is the view we usually see of Will. He's always running around.
We were blessed with an additional member of our family for a short time. This little guy hung around in a basket for a couple weeks while Lucy pretended to be a mother. I'm worried about her parenting skills. She left him at school once, and in the car a few times.
Karen and Lucy had a fun girls night out at the "So You Think You Can Dance" show.
We had so-so seats, but a GREAT time!
Karen has had a great time with gable boxes lately. She's easily entertained.
She packaged these S'more Brownies in gable boxes for her friends at Thanksgiving.
And got her Christmas gifts packaged and mailed to the cousins in these cute ones.
Just a few more to go....
We're really lucky to have family living nearby.
It was wonderful for Molly to have someone to invite to "Special Person Day" at her school!
Thanks for coming Aunt Carollyn!
And for coming to Lucy's Pep Rally, too!
That brings us through last Friday! And, that's probably all you can handle right now anyway. This was a good exercise for me (Karen) as I've realized I really need to take some photos of Will. And maybe Jon, too.
This week was very eventful, too, so I will do my best to find some time to post those happenings before Valentines Day. If you've managed to stick around long enough to get to this point, and you've done more that just look at the pictures, and are actually reading this, leave us a note and let us know you've been here. Don't be a stalker - make yourself known! It makes us feel like we have friends - or at least family members, and gives our blogging purpose. Thanks.